PRODUCT NAME The Amiga Guru Book by Ralph Babel BRIEF DESCRIPTION This is an AmigaDOS reference manual that documents the Amiga operating system with many examples in both C and assembler, and with texts about the functions in AmigaDOS. The main text of this excellent book gives specific and accurate descriptions of operating system calls, library functions, devices, handlers, and information on the filing systems. There is information on low-level hardware and software, including memory maps of both, and covers OS1.2 up to 2.1. This book is written in English. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Babel really gets around. I've seen his name in several programs I use. If you frequent the Amiga newsgroups on UseNet, you will likely find Ralph in comp.sys.amiga.programmer. Amongst his credits, he wrote all of Great Valley Products' Series-II drivers and related system software. COMPANY INFORMATION Author: Ralph Babel ISBN: No ISBN number Guru-No.: 8703 8001 C7E4 D9E4 (on the front cover) Guru Type: AT_DeadEnd AG_OpenLib AO_ExecLib HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS None required, but an Amiga computer with a C compiler and an assembler highly recommended. AmigaDOS 2.04 also recommended. MACHINES USED FOR TESTING Amiga 500 1 meg. chip ram, 8 meg. fast ram, OS1.3 and 2.1 Amiga 4000/040 2 meg. chip ram, 14 meg. fast ram, OS3.0 SOFTWARE USED FOR TESTING SAS/C 6.3 Amiga C compiler and assembler development system. HiSoft DevPac 3.04 Amiga Assembler development system. THE BOOK 736 pages including index, and ASCII table on the last page. Paperback, well bound with coated covers. Text is well written, fluid and easy to read. Weight, about 2 pounds. OVERVIEW This book is THE ultimate reference on AmigaDOS and will serve any programmer very well, from novice to expert. If you are an Amiga enthusiast interested in programming, then this is an essential book to have on hand. Much of the information in this volume cannot be found anywhere else, at least not all in one place. REVIEW The Amiga Guru Book examples assume at least kickstart 37.175 (2.04), for the most part, although all examples will work with 1.3. Some of the code fragments require 2.04 or later. They were developed with SAS/C 5.10b/6.2 and the 2.04 include files. They also compile with SAS/C 6.3 and the assembler examples assemble well with DevPac V3.04 with a few minor changes. Throughout the text, obsolete features as well as 2.0 specific features are clearly marked. The first chapters deal with datatypes of the C compilers, SAS and Manx and datatypes of the Amiga operating system. There is information on general programming guidelines, such as how to properly access public data structures, determining stack size, with a C example of how to switch to a bigger stack. Among the programming guidelines, Babel points out many caveats, which some programmers ignore, such as OpenLibrary(). "Library base pointers for any of the IEEE math libraries must not be shared between different tasks!" There is a discussion on when to use Forbid()/Permit() and Disable()/Enable(). Many system calls do a Forbid()/Permit() pair already and these are cross referenced thoroughly, as are many other functions that a programmer would use daily. I have seen much source code that calls Forbid()/Permit(), then calls a function that already does a Forbid()/Permit() pair. Data caching, copyback, and DMA are mentioned. Self modifying code and how to implement it are explained, and many good reasons why you normally should not make use of it. Chapter 3 is about Assembly language programming, how to call system functions, about FD files and their structure, libraries and their structure, macros and header files. Chapter 4 discusses C programming, in depth startup code and compiler libraries. Chapters 5-8 are explicitly about SAS/C and what ANSI C is about. It discusses the internals of the compiler, preprocessor symbols, generated symbol references, and memory models such as small code, small data, large code, and large data.. The examples given are the familiar "Hello World", one with no startup code and the other with startup code but in ANSI C with buffered I/O and memory management. Also mentioned are the keywords __near, __far, and __huge for coding of base relative code, and absolute code. Chapter 9 has a very good hardware memory map and details the A500, A500+, A600, A2000, A3000, and of course the older A1000. It is specific about where instruction accesses are allowed, data accesses, what is actual RAM and shows proper caching for the ZorroII and ZorroIII boards. There is a short discussion about the Kickstart rom and sample source on how to properly get the version of Kickstart and Workbench. The famous startup diagnostics are explained; the colors at startup, both OS1.3 and OS2.x. This also describes the keyboard diagnostics, the blinking caps lock key, and what the blinks mean. Chapter 11 reveals everything you ever wanted to know about Alerts, Gurus, and Traps. Alert numbers and Alert types are detailed, how and why they happen. Chapter 12 to the end of the volume details the inner workings of the disk operating system (DOS). The kernel, dos.library, Command Line Interface, console handling, and the filesystem are extensively discussed. The console handler, CON:, RAW:, and NEWCON: come first in this section. Control and escape codes, as well as keycodes are disclosed. There is C source to opening a CLI window on an Intuition CUSTOMSCREEN, along with a little bit of BCPL "magic", which is required prior to Kickstart 2.0. Next is the CLI itself and the AmigaShell. The special characters for input/output redirection are revealed. These include the "<" ">", the "< >"(under DOS2.0), and ">>" for standard output append mode only. Babel points out that the "H" bit under DOS2.0 originally meant "hidden", but Shell 2.0 uses the "H" bit to hold pure executables in the DOS resident list. Complete source code to a user shell is in this section and it is well documented. The internal workings of the system shell are detailed so the reader can implement their own replacement shells. Chapter 14 is basically the associated documentation to the user shell. The next section is a short history of the AmigaDOS filesystem, and a complete guide around the filesystem and its on-disk data structures. This knowledge would be handy when using a disk editor to repair a trashed hard disk or floppy. A history of BCPL and how it works is mentioned, and a source code example of the MakeDir command in BCPL is included. The dos.library is documented extensively with explanations of each function. The general format of each function is as follows: 17.1.142 UnLock() Purpose: relinquish a lock on an object Prototype: void UnLock(BPTR); -90 D1 D1 -- BPTR to struct FileLock A description of UnLock() follows along with any "see also:" type references, such as CreateDir(), DupLock(), and so on. Since there are many dos.library functions here, no attempt will be made to discuss each one. Error codes are documented towards the end of the dos.library section. Ralph explains how and why each code is implemented. Chapter 21 deals with Packets and Handlers. This is a complete reference on how to implement "DOS devices" like CON, AUX, SER/PAR/PRT, PIPE, and replacement filesystems like CrossDOS and CD_ROM filesystems. Much like the dos.library section, each packet action is explained. ACTION_FREE_LOCK Purpose: release a filesystem object Implements: AmigaDOS function UnLock() dp_Type -- ACTION_FREE_LOCK dp_Arg1 -- BPTR to struct FileLock dp_Res1 -- LONG (success code; DOS boolean) dp_Res2 -- LONG (AmigaDOS error code if dp_Res1 == DOSFALSE) Discussion follows much like the dos section. There is C source code to "ASynCopy" - file copy using asynchronous packets and C source for "UnMount" to remove an AmigaDOS handler and free its resources. In chapter 22 the format of object modules and executable programs are discussed along with hunk types, the components of a hunk, how they work and what they are used for. Last but not least, this book has appendices, a glossary and an exhaustive index. In the appendix, Babel notes that the source listings in the book are mainly for reference, even though they are fully functional. The listings have been printed in a format to detect typos and omissions. A three digit checksum has been appended to each line so that the integrity of the code can be checked. The source for the "checksum" program is included. Makefiles have been supplied for all programs. All programs were compiled with SAS/C 5.10b and SAS/C 6.2. All sources were compiled with the release 2.04 headers and the 2.02 headers included with SAS/C 5.10b. CONCLUSION The Amiga Guru Book is a "must have" for any serious programmer. There are many details in this manual that just cannot be put into any kind of review. There is a lot of everything for every programmer here. An abundance of basic computer knowledge comes along with the explanations and examples given. This is a big plus for novice programmers or someone just looking for a place to start. I would have given anything to have had this book available when I first started peering through the sometimes cryptic Rom Kernel Manuals. This is the perfect companion to the RKM set especially since the information is so detailed. It tends to fill in spots in the RKM's that are hazy or ambiguous. Nowhere else will one find so much information on AmigaDOS, and its filesystem as in this book. LIKES AND DISLIKES I found nothing in The Amiga Guru Book to really dislike. It is detailed and concise. Explanations are very clear. The sheer scope of this book is truly amazing. There isn't much about Intuition or Graphics, but the Rom Kernel Manuals were meant for that. When you need to find something about DOS though, this is the reference to turn to. You will find yourself returning to it often since it is a very solid source of information. One thing I do like is the cross referencing of everything that needs it. Ralph Babel's humor is evidenced on many pages and makes reading it interesting and enjoyable. At the first of each chapter are quotes from notable names in the Amiga community, such as Andy Finkel, Dave Haynie, Michael Sinz, and Leo Schwab. These quotes are humorous and unusual to find in a book of this type. But then, this is an exceptional book. "A disk does not have to be inserted to be examined by DISKED." -- The AmigaDOS Manual, 2nd edition COMPARISON TO OTHER SIMILAR PRODUCTS There really is no similar product to compare this book to, except the AmigaDOS manuals by Bantam, and they are weak in comparison. The Guru Book supplements the Amiga Rom Kernel Manuals very well. CONCLUSIONS With 736 pages of excellent information and programming examples, The Amiga Guru Book is superb. Every serious programmer would benefit from owning a copy. Information found here is difficult to find, but Ralph Babel has put it all together rather efficiently. Unfortunately, when reviewing this book, I can only touch lightly on what it has to offer. The Amiga Guru Book is not easily read in just a few nights, or even a few weeks for that matter. It is after all, a reference book to read and refer to repeatedly. I rate The Amiga Guru Book 5 stars out of 5. Available from: NBG USA, Inc. Almathera Systems 482 Holly Avenue Southerton House St. Paul, MN 55102 Boundary Business Court USA 92-94 Church Road Voice: +1 (612) 290 9447 Mitcham, Surrey CR4 3TD Fax: +1 (612) 290 9449 UK Voice: +44 181 687 0040 Fax: +44 181 687 0490 E-Mail: Hirsch & Wolf OHG Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Mittelstrasse 33 Gesellschaft fuer Software mbH D-56564 Neuwied Veronikastrasse 33 Germany D-45131 Essen Voice: +49 (2631) 8399-0 Germany Fax: +49 (2631) 8399-31 Voice: +49 (201) 788778 Fax: +49 (201) 798447 E-Mail: Someware 27 rue Gabriel Peri 59186 Anor France Voice: +33 27596000 Fax: +33 27595206 E-Mail: LIST PRICE The recommended price is DM 79, in Germany, which would be about $49.95 (US). COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 1994 Patrick Riley You can contact the author of this review at: Internet: Or: Patrick Riley 1600 Iris St. Amarillo, TX 79107